The Don’s View from “Reaping”

Notes by Logan

Location: Armandasanti Family Grave Site

Time: Just about 2 a.m.

Date: Sometime in the future


“So, turns out some really...interestin’ stuff was right about the corner waitin’ for the time to shine. After that talk with Jeremiah there was a lot more work to be done on the scene of political moves. A moment of rest was all we had before I had to be back in the action and making waves again. It’s worth mentioning that Henry, Rose and Jinx wanted to stay with me. Either my home was a pleasant place to be, which I knew it was, or they all had something they needed shelter from. Rose and Jinx seemed to prefer to have the comfort of my home while Henry certainly seemed to be tryin’ to escape from a ‘friend’ as he called it. Needless to say, my bullshit detector was flaring red at his excuse. I figured I’d do him a favor and let him stay but I’d be curious to what his true story was and would find out sooner rather than later.”

And boy oh boy would he find out later. Little Henry had some big problems in town and wanted to keep it hidden from the rest of the group. Vito laughed about it now but it was no laughing matter in the moment nor would it ever really be as long as it was alive. One step at a time.

“We had five days before we had to be at the Family meet up in Alexandria. Each of us had a number of things we had to do. Or at least, I assumed such. In truth, I was so busy with what needed to be done on my end that I couldn’t be bothered to learn of what their plans would have been. Firstly, I had to call Jordan and see what he wanted and when he desired to meet. He told me to meet him at the Army Navy Country Club at 11:15 on Tuesday. I’d never been one for the golfing side of life but Jordan insisted that I take a moment to enjoy that scene and it’s bounty. Something I had to oblige if I wished to be included in whatever conversation he desired to have. I’ll get to it later, but let me tell you, that conversation was a doozy. Even for someone like me who dealt with tough choices every fuckin’ day.”

Calls, calls, calls. All the time, Vito felt like he had to make more and more calls. Such was the way of communication and the price of staying connected to the flow of events that existed in the Kindred world and all the bizarre going ons that happened there. He could remember how he felt in the moment when calling his Clan. It was never easy and always felt like eggshells. But he worried less and less as time went on. He knew he was doing the right thing.

“Before I could make the next call and get the rest of my business done, I received a knock at my office door. I knew it wasn’t Howard because he’d normally announce himself to me after knocking. To my surprise, it was Jinx seeking my attention for something she believed to be important. I was curious to hear her out so I let her open the door in to the office and make her pitch. Now, up to this point, Jinx had been the member of the group that I got along with the least. She, for whatever reason, seemed to place me as the center of a great number of her issues. Maybe it was because we came from different styles of life. Maybe it was simply that I had rules that would be followed or I’d follow through with punishments. To my great surprise, she informed me she had made a mess with her new friend but she had cleaned it up and fixed it entirely on her own. Perhaps my words and actions were rubbing off on her? She then asked if she and Chad could stay with me in my abode. With the stipulation that Chad finished school and Jinx took on a night tutor I agreed.”

Imagine, the simple feeling of elation knowing that the words you’ve spoken were not for nothing and even having an impact. If he could express such pride, he certainly would have in that moment. Even the whole ordeal about attending classes and finishing some sort of schooling was a reward. Education was the one thing they could never rob you of and he wanted to gift that to Jinx. Even if her Malkavian brain couldn’t understand it in the moment.

“With that business finished and under control, I made my call to Jeremiah whom wanted to meet at Brown Bear Brewing as soon as possible to exchange the two members of his Family that I had under my roof. I was happy to arrange that I could be there this night and felt like I had accomplished the goals I needed to. With the time Jeremiah and I set, I put the phone down and went about my business in the rest of the home. Or at least, that was the fuckin’ plan. Imagine my surprise when Alberto, my guard captain and security team leader came to me and informed me of some fuckin’ news about a problem that Rose and Henry were having. I followed him to the camera room where the truth was revealed to me. See, Henry had gone out to the forest as he’s been known to do once or twice and either Rose went too or found his way out there. Yet, there were three people out there. Two of them were hideous. This made my blood boil on levels that I couldn’t explain. Why? The disrespect of coming to my home unannounced? Starting trouble with two people that lived under my roof? I told Alberto to get a fuckin’ squad together with guns and meet me out front.”

It was only due to his immense control over everything regarding his emotions that he was even able to keep his hands steady. If there was one thing that he could not abide without recourse it was the feeling of disrespect. Showing up like this and causing trouble was more than enough to earn his ire and the lead he had at his disposal.

“When I got outside, the first thing I did was flip the flood lights on the side of the house on and began walking to the forested area I had. Opening the gate I was greeted with quite the fuckin’ scene. Henry was there in his full glory, Rose was moving at lightning fucking speed in a direction. I took a hint and had my boys let lead fly in that direction. Must have gotten a lucky shot because I heard a cry of some kind of pain. I would’ve had them light the whole fuckin’ forest with lead but Rose was in the way and I didn’t want to catch them in the crossfire. So I stopped my attack and let everything calm down from there. I made sure to let both Henry and Rose know of my immense disagreement with their choice of actions before returning to the home. I had to deal with the goons, of course. They had seen too much. That could come later. On my orders, Alberto put the house on lockdown and I would allow no one to enter or leave without my permission. Grabbing Jinx and a driver, we took the family members to go and meet with Jeremiah.”

What a fuckin’ mess, he remembered thinking in that moment. His forest was a battleground, his home on lockdown, lies were everywhere. He needed to get away and this made the perfect excuse. Jinx, somehow, ended up being his favorite. She at least was being honest and showing growth. Trust issues were beginning to brew all the higher as time went on.

“The meet up was easy enough. A favor traded, an ally made. I thought all was going according to plan. Jinx however, told me he seemed a bit too pleased with himself at the moment. This was something worth considering and, while I would never tell her this to her face, the insight in to other people that she was capable of was proving to be quite useful. Did it out-weigh her bratty behavior? Only time would tell in that regard really. We headed back and allowed the night to pass with only the goons needing to be hit with some magic. The very next night I had to move fast so that I could make contact with Jordan at the appointed time. I hopped in the golf cart and made my way with Jordan to somewhere we could speak without concern. Now, I can’t say exactly what talked about. Never know who is listenin’, you know? Pop you were always really good about that. I’m sure you understand. Needless to say, it showed me a layer of politics I didn’t expect but I benefited from it greatly. As long as I kept serving the Family and kept my mouth shut, I wouldn’t have to worry about much in this new life. Jordan did ask what I was going to ask for with my favor for capturing a killer. I told him I was new to that and he laid down some ideas. One of which was for a place named Shirlington. An arts district that another Family once owned. Satisfied with all that had happened, I left and went to my car to be driven home. The weight all hit me at once. I sat upon that leather with my head in my hands and my shoulders slumped. So much pressure. I was built to rise above it.”

Stress was becoming more and more a common place ideal in his life. Though he supposed that it was all in the manner in how he saw it. If Jordan believed he could handle it, if Barnaby could place his trust in Vito then he could handle it. He could do it. The weight of the world was his to bear but he wasn’t alone. His Clan had his back and with that in mind, he could handle everything and anything that was thrown his was. Martino, Jordan, Barnaby, Eiren and Sandra all saw fit to believe. He could do it. He’d make them proud.

“The next few days went by with a blur. I only wanted to rest and think. I had so much planning to do and so many ideas to put in to motion. I barely registered if the others did anything. I knew, however, when the time came we would have to head to Alexandria for the Family meeting and our favor collection. Each of us dressed in our best. Well, most of us. Jinx seemed to take the whole ‘they don’t like me there’ attitude and cranked it higher as though to make a statement of why they didn’t like her Family. Regardless, we made it there with no issue. There were people aplenty and plenty of libations. I did spot my Family and good friend in Barnaby. So, I went there first to interact with him as I had not had time to do so in quite some time. He and his friend, Professor Forsythe, were talking about Family members they adopted and Barnaby spoke quite highly of me. A point of pride that I had in regards to my Family. Everyone was of the mind I was doing well and raising the Family name. I did spot Jinx and she came to me in a hurry as her adopted Mother was beaming for her. Barnaby took Jinx to safety and I took to Prentiss.”

Meeting members of Barnaby’s old group always reminded Vito of the current troubles that he had with it all. Perhaps it was part of the growing process. Perhaps it was not and this was all trouble he brought about himself. He felt like he’d only know with more time. Then there was the deal with Prentiss. Again, Vito didn’t see her zeal poorly. She might have had a weird way about with Jinx and that would need to be looked at further but she kept the order. That was important to him. More than he’d let on.

“See, she and I had a talk about the favor that Bobby was giving her and how it had to be made. Some poor sod was taking the fall for it all — but hey, that was the price of having such things like this taken care of. I never understood why everyone seemed to dislike her. Sure, she had a zealous attitude towards killing and stabbing but it was in the defense of the rest of us. Is that not what the rest of us were doing in some way or another? I didn’t really have much time to ponder such things as the Prince came to the fore and made her presence known. It was clear she did not have a likeness for what was going on but seemed to understand the meaning of it all. However dull that may be to her. She bore it decently well. We found out the fate of Brock Thompson. He had to endure getting burnt several times over again before being fried up truly. What a fuckin’ way to go but it was a good lie. I knew some details of the man before he was given up and it was not because he was ‘too thin’ as the Prince said. Somethin’ was going on there but it was best if I didn’t mention at the moment. When it came time for the Favor, Bobby announced that he was gifting to Prentiss who intended on keeping it for some other time. Rose gave his to Jeremiah and the Prince was fuckin’ pissed about that shit. Henry held on to his and the Prince seemed all too familiar with how that went. Jinx...always fuckin’ Jinx startin’ some shit. Jinx wanted some far away island, maybe the Turd Island she kept talking about, and the Prince did not find it amusing. In return for her Favor Jinx could like, go there but couldn’t stay and it wasn’t hers. Jinx...I would need to teach her how to play this politic game a bit better. When it came to me, I asked for what Jordan suggested. Shirlington. The Prince seemed overjoyed to give it to me, or rather my Family, but another group was far from pleased.”

He didn’t forget about the other thing Elaine mentioned. The executioner for the thin-bloods was now an open and sought for role. He didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing quite yet but it seemed serious enough for the time being.

“What came next was plentiful. So sit down, grab a hold of your ghostly pearls, we got a lot to break down…”

The Don’s View

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